Install Tesla EV Charger (Wall Connector) At Home with EV Connection for your Model 3 & Y. Authorized Tesla Installer, cheap, experienced & safe.
Install Tesla EV Charger (Wall Connector): A Guide

If you’ve just bought a Tesla, or you’re looking to purchase one, chances are you’re looking into Tesla wall charger installation as well. This is especially true since most Tesla buyers in Malaysia get a free EV Charger / Wall Connector to come along with your car. However, installation of a Tesla wall charger can come with many question marks. Do I need to do anything to my house electricty supply? How much will it cost? And will I need to hire an authorized installer?
Hire An Authorized Installer
While it may be very common to see random electricians who are not authorized installers flooding WhatsApp groups or Facebook groups offering you insanely cheap prices to install your Tesla wall charger, our recommendation is to go for a Tesla Authorized Installer instead. There are a few compelling reasons for doing so:
1. Safety
Installing a Tesla EV Charger requires wiring the charger directly to your home’s electrical panel. All of the electricity powering your home runs through this panel, making it highly dangerous for anyone who isn’t a trained professional to complete the installation. You’ll need to hire a licensed and qualified electrician for the job to ensure the installation is completed safely and correctly. At the end of the day, the safety of yourself and your family members are the most important, especially when it comes to potential fire hazards that involve electricity.
2. Warranty
Tesla itself offers an additional warranty on the wall connector on top of the charger warranty – this additional warranty only comes if the installation is done by a Tesla Authorized Installer. So if you decide to go for a non authorized installer and anything happens to the charger the hassle to replace it yourself and the overall costs will actually be much higher.
3. Experience
It is very important for the installer to be able to provide sound advice on things such as how best to route the wires, what sort of concealment needs to be done etc. As the company who successfully installed the first Tesla Superchargers in Malaysia within a jaw dropping 2 weeks, EV Connection has ample experience in dealing with chargers both big and small. We will thus be able to provide sound and safe advice when it comes to installing your home EV charger.
How Much Does It Cost?
The cost to install typically varies depending on the complexity of the installation, so to get a quote you can always arrange for a site visit by using the button below.
More About EV Connection
As the leading EV Charger company in Malaysia, EVC is one of the very few companies with an integrated EV charger portfolio spanning supply, installation, operation, maintenance and R&D. It provides a one stop solution for commercial clients interested in implementing EV solutions into their business and have also served thousands of homeowners looking to install EV chargers at their houses / offices. It also operates JomCharge, one of the largest charging networks in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.
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